Saturday, December 17, 2011

Week One- Welcome

Welcome to Digital Literacy Comm 201-02 
This course will examine the computer as a medium.
Hands-on learning will give you the technical skills to excel in the new digital culture, while critical readings and assignments will provide the cognitive skills to understand it.



1 comment:

  1. When you think back to our speed-debates, please think of the following.
    -it was actually difficult to find FACTS in only 15 minutes of google searching
    -not everything that there is or ever was is on the web...for free
    -the types of information that are the easiest to find are usually oriented toward the *synthesis* or opinions that are drawn as a result of facts that others have experienced first hand
    -when conducting research on the web, the goal is to encounter the facts yourself so you can create your own opinion instead of only choosing from the limited opinions presented.
