Thursday, May 3, 2012

Self Promotion With Google Tools

Now that you've got a handle on Google Adwords, check out Google Analytics! Sign up and copy the code.

Next,  in your layout view, include a text widget at the bottom of your main template.

Paste the code here.

Next, sign up to follow each of your classmates' blogs with your Google Reader.

Let the analysis begin!

-You should follow everyone's blog
-do as much cross-posting as you can (while still remaining relevant to your own blog)
-Where appropriate, you might want to use (and link back to!) images or videos from classmates' blogs
-You should also have at least one cross-post and one image link-back to an established, popular blog related to yours.
-Next week is the last possible opportunity to hand in anything including All CEC's and paper revisions.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Blog PR

Branding and Marketing exercise:

Write a single sentence describing how you want people to know you online. Begin with I am a…
Write a short list that describes who you want to reach on the web. List 3-4 kinds of people.
Write a short list that describes what you would like to learn about or learn from other people on the web. List 3 things you would like to learn. 

These will help you define the elements of your online brand

Your name
Your photo (or logo)
Tweetable pitch including short keyword title (less than 140 characters)
Should be featured in ALL of your online and social media accounts
Keep an online file with these elements handy so you can use them again and again
ALSO – The types of content that you share (photos, videos, podcasts, article links, quotes, etc)
 In Addition, you will need to reach friends of friends.

Here's how all this PR work translates to homework:

-Your pitch and bio must be somewhere on the home page of your blog.
- Create your custom favicon.  convert at before loading into blogger
- double check that your blog is current and has links to any "borrowed" content
- create original content (video or stills) and host it on a media sharing account (like flickr, instagram, youtube, vimeo, or picasa, ). Then link that to your blog.

Our presentation on Blogging your way to Self Promotion

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Get Ready

Homework for next week:

-Go back to your blog. Populate it with content. Keep it current and interesting.
Also, link back to original sources to be kind.


Let's review the semester and make sure you're on track.
Review the attendance policy in the syllabus. Double-check your assignments:

Digital Avatar
Blog response to 3 readings
Thesis Statement
Blog response to Metaphoras
Thesis Revisions
CEC#1 Occupy Student Debt (you went, now complete your writeup- see that blog entry)
Your Blog
Paper Outline
CEC#2 Keliy Anderson Staley (you went, now complete your writeup- see that blog entry)
CEC#3 Black Maria Film Festival (you went, now complete your writeup- see that blog entry)
Storytelling Hex Code (color-grid image to slice)
CEC#4 Keith and Mendi Obadike (you went, now complete your writeup- see that blog entry)
Blog Response to Watch What You Say
Story Hack 01
Paper Revision
Story Hack 02

Thursday, April 5, 2012

INTERMEDIA Storytelling

Today you will present your stories.

Then you will work with your group to perfect one of your group's stories:
Makes Sense
Has Appealing Characters
Uses a Story Arc
Is Short

Next pick three of the following media to tell your story in:
Hypertext Narrative (seriously old-school internet storytelling)

Image Website

Video video camera, game,  to scrub throughstop-motion

Texts (captured as images or sent to the reader's phone at determined times)

Twitter Feed

Book Object

Conference Poster


Animation    xtranormal

QR Code

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Storytelling with code- Part One

Welcome back from the break!
Papers are due today. If you're having a Paper Emergency...

We'll be doing part one of a data mapping/coding/connection-making exercise

We will complete the exercise with Keith and Mendi Obadike
Wednesday APRIL 11th from 3-5pm BC142a   (CEC- required) see me if you have a conflict

Watch what you say
Reading response due on the blog

Also, keep your blogs going! make sure your content is strong, organized, and that un-original content has links to the originals.

Another CEC and EXTRA CREDIT opportunity

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Democracy, Connectivity, and Hactivism

Activism and Democracy


What are the aspects of internet connectivity that Democracy could benefit from?
The potential for social media to assist Democracy

Is the isolation that comes with online filtering bad for Democracy?
Ted Talk

How did it work during Egypt's Arab Spring uprising?
Internet Activist Wael Ghonim

Activist Apps for your smartphone?

Pocket Congress



Hacktivism   "Old School" 

 The Barbie Liberation Organization

Jonah Peretti's Nike emails


department of art and technology

Hacktivist Augmented Reality

the leak in your hometown

BP LAYAR app by Mark Skwarek

AR Flashmob

Have a great Spring Break. Papers due when we meet after break. Email me with any questions.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Creative Commons


CEC #2 :
Please attend one of the following
Wed March 14- 3-4pm Keliy Anderson-Staley Artist Talk
Tue March 13 2pm Tintype Demo- Berrie Center First Floor
Wed March 14 11:30am Tintype Demo, 4pm Demo

A Shared Culture Video

Wiki -Creative Commons

How do you find still, video or audio content that is legal to use in your artwork?
Did you know you can search for images labeled for re-use?

What Happened to Shepard Fairey?

Work on Paper. Put content on your blog.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Blogs are a way of organizing existing information or providing new content.
Cool Hunting
The Get Down
Cocktail Party Physics
Apartment Therapy
Mega Tokyo
What The Rap
Eyebeam Reblog

Types of content

Most important design elements these can change depending on the bulk of your content
Using text demands that you pay attention to typography and the visual heirarchy of the following elements: headline, sub-headline, links, lists, regular text

Purpose of your blog should be obvious
Can people get what they want easily from your blog?
Will your blog stay current?
If your blog is purposeful, and a current and helpful resource, you will get lots of viewers. But not immediately....we'll talk about marketing later.

Papers Due March 29th
Paper outline due next week 
great example paper
I.  Thesis & Introduction
II. Body of Paper
     A. Supporting Fact #1
          1)analysis of supporting fact.
           2) interpretation or explanation of supporting fact with context
      B. Supporting Fact #2
          1)analysis of supporting fact.
           2) interpretation or explanation of supporting fact with context
      C. Supporting Fact #3
          1)analysis of supporting fact.
           2) interpretation or explanation of supporting fact with context
      D. Supporting Fact #3
          1)analysis of supporting fact.
           2) interpretation or explanation of supporting fact with context
III. Conclusion
        A .  Analysis of all supporting facts- their relation to each other and the thesis.
        B.   Interpretation and explanation of how these support the thesis

CEC#1-  Take notes and write a blog response on how the internet or other networked communication could be used to support the "Occupy Student Debt Movement". Due Next week
THURSDAY 3.1 @ 3:45-5:15pm in H-Wing Auditorium
Roundtable #1: Student Debt + No Jobs + Growing Inequality = Occupy Student Debt.
Learn how the Occupy Movement is organizing against rising tuition, growing college student debt, and anti-union attacks on faculty/staff wages and working conditions.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Networked Computing

Charis Tsevis
What are networks?

In September 1940, George Stibitz used a Teletype machine to send instructions for a problem set from his Model at Dartmouth College to his Complex Number Calculator in New York and received results back by the same means.

What are historical routes of communication?

How do they shape how we organize information?

read Congress Pushes Apple to Protect Your Address Book - ABC News

Cloud computing

Create a network right now!

Networked art
-museums and net art
-Bil T Jones
-5 innovative networked art projects
 -Golan Levin

Networked clothing
-FB Hoodie
-talk 2 my shirt

What networked objects or art could you design? Some ideas...
-LED Fabric,
-LED Dresses

For Homework: Foundations- all sections
Blog Response due next week- also read my comments on your thesis statements. Most people need to revise them.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Library as Digital Repository

Google is great but our library's resources are tailored to your needs.  Academics (that's you!) need data and original sources on which to create your own analysis and interpretation.

You'll be starting a paper that deals in some way with the concepts of copyright and creativity. This paper will be due week 8.

Your Thesis Statement, or the idea around which you will form you paper, will be due to me next week ( you can hand this document in on Slice). You'll need to conduct some preliminary research in order to create an original Thesis Statement.  Please post the citation for one of your library sources to our blog before next week's class. All sources must be unique.

Let's review the basics of a Term Paper

Planning a thesis
• What your paper is about (the topic);
Normally, the audience of a scholarly paper consists of people familiar with the general area but
not with the specific topic. The topic of a paper is often expressed in the first sentence.

A Good Thesis Statement:
"Dinosaur extinction may have begun as a severe reaction to the Rotovirus."

A Bad Thesis Statement:
"There are many scientists who have theories about how the dinosaurs became extinct."

State your conclusions at the beginning, and then state the reasoning that leads up to
them. Never leave the reader wondering where you are heading with an idea.
Outline the whole paper before you write it. If you find this difficult, make an unordered list or
collection of ideas you want to include, and then sort it.
The first paragraph of a paper is the hardest to write, and itʼs a good idea to try writing it — or at
least sketching it — long before you write the rest of the paper. Often, once you compose the
first paragraph, the whole paper will fall into place.

You do not need a long introductory section. Many term papers wander around for a few pages
before they reach the main point. Donʼt do this. If you have an introduction (necessary in a long
paper), it should be an overview of the paper itself, not a disquisition on other “background”
topics, nor a record of everything you looked at while starting to research the topic.

You do not need a “conclusions” section at the end unless the paper either. When you come to the end of your argument, stop, ending, if possible, on a general point.

To get things started:
Tales From The Public Domain
Copywright Basics    (start by skimming)
Good Copy Bad Copy

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Personal Media- Public Sphere

How do social networks transform the way we interact?

Take Facebook for example:
  • Do you visit every day? How much time do you spend on FaceBook?
  • Do your parents have a FaceBook page? If not, have you shown them your page?
  • Let's look at a profile
  • How would you describe what FaceBook is to the following audiences?                                         1) your friends; 2) your parents; 3) a grandparent; 4) a teen living in the late 1800s
  • Before social networking Web sites, how did teens engage in social networking? Think about the following eras:             1) the industrial revolution; 2) hunter-gatherer societies; 3) the 1980s (don't forget to consider geographic location and cultural influences) 
  • Visit the FaceBook page of someone you don't know. How does this page reveal information about the person? What design and content techniques are used to catch your attention? Would you want to add this person as a friend or leave a comment on his or her page? Why or why not? What do you want to know about this person that is not posted on this profile?
  • How does FaceBook use the information you provide about yourself? What types of information does FaceBook deem important? How does FaceBook frame the communication experience? What different information would you get if you were meeting with someone in person?

For homework :
-Create a digital avatar
-Blog Response

Dana Boyd, Social Networking Sites: Public, Private or What?
Clive Thompson - Brave New World of Digital Intimacy
Jeffrey Rosen - The End of Forgetting